2020 Ballot Items Q&A

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Photograph of I Voted Stickers on displayed on a table

This year, Boulder voters will vote on five city ballot items. For consistency and transparency, the city is answering all questions related to ballot measures through Be Heard Boulder. Use these Be Heard Boulder pages to ask questions about the measures and get factual answers from city staff. City staff will answer questions submitted through Oct. 16 and answers will continue to be available to the public after that date.

Under the Fair Campaign Practices Act, the city is limited to the information we can provide during election season. We will not provide opinion or analysis, but we will provide factual information to help inform your decisions.

Access the Q&A pages for each ballot item:

This year, Boulder voters will vote on five city ballot items. For consistency and transparency, the city is answering all questions related to ballot measures through Be Heard Boulder. Use these Be Heard Boulder pages to ask questions about the measures and get factual answers from city staff. City staff will answer questions submitted through Oct. 16 and answers will continue to be available to the public after that date.

Under the Fair Campaign Practices Act, the city is limited to the information we can provide during election season. We will not provide opinion or analysis, but we will provide factual information to help inform your decisions.

Access the Q&A pages for each ballot item:

Page last updated: 19 Oct 2020, 03:25 PM