This questionnaire is open from Saturday, Sept. 7 through Monday, Nov. 25.
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Connection to the Corridor
Where do you live?
What is your relationship to the project corridor? Select all that apply.
How do you normally travel along or across this part of 30th Street? Select all that apply.
How would you like to travel on this part of 30th Street in the future? Select all that apply.
Generally, how often do you travel this segment of 30th Street between Arapahoe Avenue and Diagonal Highway?
What are the current barriers for traveling along 30th Street between Arapahoe Avenue and Diagonal Highway? Select the top 4 barriers that you feel are most prevalent on 30th Street.
Which of the following best describes your experience with walking (including using a mobility device) along 30th Street in terms of traffic safety?
Which of the following best describes your experience with bicycling/scootering/riding an e-bike or e-scooter along 30th Street in terms of traffic safety?
If you bicycle or scooter along 30th Street, where on the street do you generally ride?